Teletherapy, Winter Kayla SLP Teletherapy, Winter Kayla SLP

Teletherapy Activities for Winter

Whether you're working with little ones or older students, incorporating seasonal themes into your sessions can add an extra layer of excitement and relevance. In this blog post, let’s look at a range of interactive and creative teletherapy activities specifically for the winter season.

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Teletherapy Kayla SLP Teletherapy Kayla SLP

Top Equipment Recommendations for Virtual School SLPs

As the world of speech-language pathology continues to evolve, some of us have embraced the exciting possibility of teletherapy. Ensuring a smooth and effective virtual experience requires more than just expertise—it demands the right tools. Check out my top product recommendations to elevate teletherapy, making your virtual sessions not just effective but enjoyable for both you and your students.

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Productivity Kayla SLP Productivity Kayla SLP

Boost Your Therapy Outcomes with an SLP Planner

Are you an SLP seeking efficient organization and improved therapy outcomes? Discover the ultimate SLP Planner - customizable, designed with SLPs in mind, comprehensive tools, streamlined workflow, simplified documentation, andmore. Take control of your practice, enhance productivity, and make a lasting impact on your clients' lives. Get your SLP Planner today and experience stress-free planning and organization.

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Reviews Kayla SLP Reviews Kayla SLP

App Review: Articulation Arcade for SLPs

Discover Articulation Arcade, an engaging app designed to improve speech sound production. With customizable target sounds, a variety of games, gamified approach, a user-friendly interface, and data-tracking features, it enhances therapy sessions. While it’s not a substitute for direct therapy, it's a valuable tool to make progress in articulation skills. Happy gaming!

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Activities Kayla SLP Activities Kayla SLP

Outdoor Activities for Speech Therapy

Discover the joy of taking speech therapy sessions outdoors with these engaging activities. From nature scavenger hunts to outdoor role-play and language games, these activities target various speech and language goals. Tailor them to your clients' needs and make learning effective and enjoyable. Let nature be your therapy backdrop for a refreshing and engaging experience.

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Activities Kayla SLP Activities Kayla SLP

Benefits of Taking Speech Therapy Outdoors

Discover the benefits of taking speech therapy sessions outdoors. From physical health and sensorimotor development to language enrichment and social skills, outdoor activities enhance therapy outcomes. The novelty and engagement of the outdoor environment create a fresh context for learning. Prioritize safety and individual needs for a stimulating and effective outdoor therapy experience.

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Activities Kayla SLP Activities Kayla SLP

Using Scavenger Hunts in Speech Therapy

Discover the excitement of incorporating scavenger hunts into your speech therapy sessions. Whether indoors or outdoors, scavenger hunts keep clients engaged while targeting speech and language goals. Find themed resources on TPT, adapt tasks to individual needs, and watch as clients light up with enthusiasm. Scavenger hunts add a dynamic and interactive twist to therapy, fostering progress and enjoyment. Try it out and experience the adventure firsthand!

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Behavior Kayla SLP Behavior Kayla SLP

How to Use Reward Cards in Speech-Language Therapy

Discover the benefits of using punch cards and reward cards as a behavior management system in speech therapy sessions. They are cost-effective, customizable, and provide a visual representation of progress toward a goal. With punch cards, clients receive punches for meeting behavior targets, leading to a reward card. This system keeps clients motivated, empowers them, and eliminates the need for tangible prizes. Get started by setting goals, explaining the process, and customizing rewards. Punch cards and reward cards are a simple yet effective way to enhance engagement and progress in therapy. Give it a try and see the positive impact it has on your clients!

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Activities, Reviews Kayla SLP Activities, Reviews Kayla SLP

Comparing and Contrasting Using the EET

Discover the versatility of the Expanding Expression Tool (EET) for teaching language skills, specifically comparing and contrasting. With its visual and interactive approach, the EET breaks down complex concepts into manageable parts. SLPs can use Venn Diagrams and colored beads to help clients identify similarities and differences. Real-life examples, objects, and stories enhance the learning experience. The EET is a valuable tool recommended by SLPs for developing strong language skills and effective communication. Check out the research and consider training options available. Unlock the power of the EET in your therapy sessions!

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Reviews Kayla SLP Reviews Kayla SLP

Review: SLP Toolkit for Speech-Language Pathologists

SLP Toolkit is a powerful website offering a range of tools and resources for speech and language therapists. Its user-friendly interface and features cater to therapists of all levels. The comprehensive library of assessments helps evaluate clients' speech and language abilities, while the customizable goal bank simplifies IEP writing. Caseload management and reporting features ensure timely completion of deadlines and generate informative reports. The community feature fosters collaboration and idea sharing. With ongoing updates and improvements, SLP Toolkit is an invaluable asset for therapists, providing support and organization in their daily tasks.

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Activities Kayla SLP Activities Kayla SLP

Favorite Mixed Group Therapy Plans for Middle School

Engaging middle schoolers in speech-language therapy can be a challenge, but fear not! Online game-style activities like EdPuzzle and Jeopardy Labs promote teamwork while covering various topics. Activities like Mad Libs and Would You Rather work on grammar, reasoning, and articulation, keeping the group entertained and engaged. Reading books or using ReadWorks audio stories highlights target vocabulary and comprehension questions. These tried and true favorites make therapy fun while addressing individual goals.

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Activities Kayla SLP Activities Kayla SLP

Playing Trashketball in Speech-Language Therapy

Trashketball is a fast-paced, engaging, and affordable activity that can be adapted for therapy sessions with students of various ages. The game involves throwing trash, such as crumpled-up paper, into a trash can for points. Clearly posted rules are essential to maintain order, and students must participate in drilling before taking their shots. Options for materials, scoring methods, and goal targeting provide flexibility. Trashketball can be used to target articulation, listening comprehension, categories, social scenarios, describing, and compare/contrast skills. It's a fun and interactive game that keeps students motivated and excited while working on their therapy goals.

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Activities Kayla SLP Activities Kayla SLP

FUNctional Challenges for Speech-Language Therapy Clients

Functional challenges can be a valuable addition to speech therapy sessions, helping students develop important life skills. By clarifying that these challenges won't take away from therapy time, SLPs can focus on IEP goals while encouraging students to learn and demonstrate functional skills independently. Challenges can be practiced at home, with SpEd teachers, or during OT sessions. Examples of challenges include birthday, address, and phone number recognition, signature writing, coin identification, analog clock reading, shoe tying, recipe reading, and community/safety sign recognition.

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